Please contact us if you have any not answered here!
Before you decide to buy a painting, you can contact me to see and inspect the painting either virtually via Zoom or person with me. I would be delighted to show you around the studio.
Each painting is a one-off. Because I paint in series, there may be several within a series that appear similar, but it is literally impossible for me to create two paintings alike.
A signed, dated Certificate of Authenticity with a small image of the painting accompanies every painting. These can be customized and digitized to include, for example, the buyer's name.
Some paintings may be released as limited edition prints, and these are numbered according to the number in the print run. For example, 6/50 would mean that work is number 6 out of a total of 50 prints. The originals of such print runs may be available for sale, but I will never sell a painting on the false pretext that it is unique, if it has been rendered or copied for sale in any other way - that is my personal guarantee.
We have some designs that are used for cards, mugs and silk scarves. If you buy an original painting, it will not be used subsequently for other products - that is my personal guarantee. The artist retains the rights to all images - this is normal - but I will never betray the trust of my buyers.
All artworks are priced mounted but not framed. If you want us to arrange for your work to be framed prior to shipping, please contact us for options and a quote.
We ship domestically in the UK and to selected international destinations. If you wish to shop with us and do not see an option for shipping to your country, please contact us.
We offer a variety of standard and express services, both domestically and worldwide; please see our Shipping page for further details.